Want a Raise? Downsize.

You’re living in this seemingly endless recession-depression. You know that too many are living paycheck to paycheck, including myself. I am lucky enough to have a non-consumer way of living that fits perfectly in with downsizing. My wife and I have been trying to find decent jobs for a couple years now, only to have…

Spread Some Love

Without telling you exactly who you are, every one of you on this Earth that I have been able to touch in some way, anyone I have been able to make some kind of difference in your life, and those of you reading these words, I love you. Thank you for your experience. Good or…

Set Unrealistic Goals

It sounds counter-intuitive, but it isn’t. Set goals you can’t reach? Where is the sense in that? Well, what I mean is to set those goals for yourself that other people believe are unrealistic. After all, other peoples’ opinions are just that. Their opinions. Les Brown said it best: “Don’t let someone else’s opinion of…

Be Happy Right Now.

Right now, where you are, whatever it is you are doing, be happy doing it. Believe in yourself. Have confidence that you are willing and able to surmount any obstacles that may come in your path. You are a human being. You are created in the image of your creator, endowed with the ability to…

Tax Time! Time to Scale Down!

For those of us in the United States, tax season is winding up to its seasonal peak of anxiety as the April 15th deadline sprints nearer. As a taxpayer that of course includes me and for the third year in a row I am in the group of people that have to pay. The difference…